Saedee Greenwood's profile

Approaches to: Time

Time Experiment 2: SEE

Artist Statement

For my next project SEE, I combined project HEAR audio recording then added imagery and several different videos. With the same idea as the first project of being quarantined. It has been a stressful, scary, but hopeful time over the past few weeks. I wanted the imagery, and videos to evoke those emotions. Like an A.S.M.R. clip, but create an eery and uncomfortable tone then transition to a calming mood throughout the piece. I focused on abstract lighting, dark and light. 
10 Noise Sources

Wood hitting wood
Dry shampoo spraying
Opening and closing deodorant lid
metal spoon and plastic bowl
ruffling wrapper
meditation breath
walking, and spilling

Time Experiment 3: TAKE
Artist Statement
For my third project in Time, we were to take both our original works HEAR and SEE then TAKE segments of video, images, or clips and combine in a cohesive art project. The video clips and images are from Youtube, as well as, still images from my previous project SEE. I wanted to create a work of art that emulated the sounds being made by adding video clips that would enhance the sounds, all together in one sound, art piece.
10 Noise Sources

Wood hitting wood
Dry shampoo spraying
Opening and closing deodorant lid
metal spoon and plastic bowl
ruffling wrapper
meditation breath
walking, and spilling
YouTube videos used
rain forest

Time: Final Self- Portrait
Artist Statement
For my final project "Self Portrait", I wanted to incorporate small things that we take for granted but also represent me and my personality. Since being quarantined and unable to get out of our homes and take a breath of fresh air, spending time indoors during this period has been exhausting. However, I spontaneously decided to travel with my boyfriend to Cedar City. We packed our Clorox wipes and toilet paper and headed to our destination. This project encompasses the visuals and sounds heard on the trip while portraying myself.
Noise sources

Spring water
Going on a walk
Rock falling
River of voices

Approaches to: Time

Approaches to: Time


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