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Ты страх, который я потеряла.

The photo book is dedicated to the photo project of Svetlana Levchenko "You are the fear that I have lost".
The purpose of the photo book is to convey the feelings and emotions of the artist embedded in the work. To convey the meaning of the photo project.
Svetlana herself about his photo project says: «Amazingly, that existing in the men's world splitting a woman on thousands of pieces, however a man is an indispensable element for her integrity

Women's subjectivity specifies specific idea of scales, which essentially holds in itself  repetition and  eternity from many modality that came during history of civilization.  It preserves  cycles, pregnancy and eternal repetition of biological cycles which is similar with cycle of a nature. It’s predictability can shock, other sideis it preserves impenetrable  solid temporariness, which is so far from liner time. It ‘s just Inclusive and endless. Kristeva

Invisible! Invisible! Invisible and free!

There is no constant Woman
She changes every moment.
Like a river, like a water. 
There is no form of fire. 
There is no form of wind.
There is no form of water.
She is everything and nothing specific.

Inside the structure women felling themselves separated from a language and social contract in which they can’t find neither feelings no meanings of relationships that relate them with their bodies, bodies of their children, other woman or man.»
When I was working on Svetlana’s book, she allowed me to express my feelings and perception of her photo works.
This photo project reveals the transformation of a girl into a teenager and a teenager into a woman. The influence of family and society on becoming a teenager and woman. About the internal female balance, on the acceptance of oneself.
I have made a compilation of photographs that, in my opinion, most convey the essence of the project. In design, I have used beige color, which symbolizes time for rest in working on myself, time of silence.
A5 book, hardcover, pages are very thin and mat.
Tags: illustrator, illustration, freelancer, photoshop, indesign, photo, photobook, women, girlslayout, typography

Ты страх, который я потеряла.


Ты страх, который я потеряла.

The photo book is dedicated to the photo project of Svetlana Levchenko "You are the fear that I have lost". The purpose of the photo book is to c Read More
