Makongo Kiugu sin profil

Kenya Wildlife Services

Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) is a state corporation mandated to conserve and manage wildlife in Kenya. 
They recently held a logo redesign competition and I decided to envision what this would look like. 
Rather than completely discard the previous logo, I decided to refresh and modernise it. This is because there was a lot of brand equity (in my opinion) built around the previous logo.

Based on the material I found on their website, I aimed to position KWS in line with one of their tag-lines; “Visit World Class Parks”.
Refreshing the logo while still mainlining a link to its previous version meant using certain existing elements—an elephant within another and building on the current colour scheme.
Kenya Wildlife Services


Kenya Wildlife Services

Identity Design for Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS). A personal project redesigning the KWS logo and visual language
