#doodle from 2019 - Girl's power.
I start the concept with the thought that girls should be more confident, truly love and embrace ourselves.
We don't need other person to make us happy. We can learn to be independent and be happy just with ourselves. We have the power to choose the person we want to be with, the life we want to live with.
Then these ideas expand into other random thoughts.
Relationship is similar to a doll machine in some ways:
If you calculate how much money or effort you put in to get the doll, you will never experience the pleasure of getting it;
Sometimes we try so hard and put so much effort into it, however we can't get the result we want;
If we can't get the favorite, why not just choose the one that is easier to get.
That might be a better fit for us and can still make us happy.
I think the concept of this illustration is more meaningful for me than its' final look.
Thanks for stopping by!
Girl's Power


Girl's Power
