Dziga Vertov: Man with a Movie Camera
Dziga Vertov (1896-1954) was a soviet filmmaker who created the film "Man with a Movie Camera" as an actor less, non-verbal presentation of life in the Soviet Union. His theory was that the camera is an instrument, much like the eye, however; the eye can only be in one place at a time but can be at various angles.
Fig. 1 Frames of film
Within the film black borders around the images and white frame numbers at the edges suggest that what survives today are inverted copies of the exposed paper (see fig. 1).
Fig. 2 Vertov attaching camera to car
Vertov often experimented with slow motion, camera angles, enlarged close-ups, cross cutting, rapid changing of scenes and cross fades for comparisons. Attaching the camera to cars, motorcycles and other moving objects.

This film is one which has been recognised as "One of the most ground-breaking inventive and influential films ever made" (2015, p. 1).
My Video

In my short film, I have attempted to incorporate the techniques analysed within the film "Man with a movie camera". Vertov has created a film based on a day in the Soviet Union during the time after the civil war. Similarly, I have aimed to create a day in the life of a working student.
I chose to recreate fast-paced scenes with glitched crossovers between scenes mimicking the transitions of scenes within the film. The video shows a camera following me throughout a day at work. Due to advancements in technology, I was able to place my iPhone into various places which Vertov would have not be able to have done; creating a heightened sense of creepiness following the individual. These include places such as under the handbrake, in a locker and leaning on a wall. I attempted to recreate the constant re-occurrences within the film, which include the focus on the camera, and the focus on the eye watching over the individual. This emphasises the extent to which Vertov would have gone into to capture his intricately filmed scenes.
Including the music from "Man with a movie camera" trailer into the film allowed for the incorporation of a fast-paced short film, combining the sound of rewinding film with the transition of scenes.
Man with a movie camera. (2015, Jun 08). Targeted News Service Retrieved from

Shah, I. (2019). Man with a movie camera. History Today, 69(1), 18–20. Retrieved from

Dziga Vertov

Dziga Vertov


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