Chromadepth 3D (CD3) can be done with just about any color medium like crayons, colored pencils or a computer graphics application. C3D is a process that allows for the creation of a ‘normal’ looking image that can be viewed as two-dimensional, but which jumps into holographic 3D when viewed using C3D glasses. It is the optics in the glasses that allows the viewer to see the colors jump into holographic 3D and float, both forward and backward.

Contact me if you would like a pair of cardboard Chromadepth 3D glasses, costs including USPS is $2.50.

Chromadepth and C3D are trademarksof American Paper Optics.
ChromArt 01, 2010, vector
ChromArt 02, 2010, vector
ChromArt 03, 2011, vector
Cut n Past Tree v2, 2010, papercraft, vector
Floating, 2011, vector
Green No. 1, 2011, vector
Owl, 2010, vector
Red No. 1, 2011, vector
Swirls, 2010, vector
Tree No. 1, 2010, vector
Chromadepth 3D art


Chromadepth 3D art

Chromadepth 3D is a process that allows for the creation of a ‘normal’ looking image that can be viewed as two-dimensional, but which jumps into Läs mer
