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Android Mobile Apps Development

Why Businesses Should Invest In Android Mobile Apps Development?
The growth of enterprise mobility market across the globe has made businesses consider the need of Android platform.  The growth of mobile growth is expected to rise to $140 billion by the year 2020 with major contributor is the Android platform.

Moreover, businesses looking to leverage gains from Android must start the intuitive for apps which they can use to contain the ecosystem for getting preferred output.
Here’s a list of immense benefits that businesses can leverage by investing in Android apps:-

Open Source

Being an open source, Android development kit can be used by businesses to roll out Android apps by powering their processes and systems will need to spend less money on development costs. It also reduces the software licensing costs and get software devoid of any royalties. The developers can also interact with support community future versions that can be integrated into ongoing Android App development projects. These advantages make it more lucrative prospect for businesses, device manufacturers and wireless operators. This also results in speedy development to let you enjoy considerable savings when you utilize Android.

Simple Integration

Major business enterprises have multiple entities and processes. Separate systems or processes for each entity will result in duplicating efforts and costs required to maintain these systems for creating data silos/disjoints. Android development platforms provide the perfect platform for carrying out an approach because of its capability to run on every device. Android platforms help you eliminate data silos and provide seamless flow of information across businesses.

Based On Java

Android applications run on Java programming language with assistance of huge libraries. Those understand Java, can build Android applications easily.  Many Java developers have now shifted to Android development due to ease of migration.  So if you are considering mobile app development, then go for Android app development to achieve countless benefits.  The number of Smartphone users will increase in near future, so ensure that your mobile app reach more customers, which will ultimately improve your business.

Ease Of Installation

Mobile app development companies find it easy because of tools availability for improving, fixing and updating apps. Android apps are flexible and can be pushed and published in various ways. Businesses can also ensure that customers, employees and important stakeholders can download the apps in a hassle-free manner. The simple and easy nature of Android makes it a great DIY proposition unlike other platforms requiring learning curve and set-up assistance.

Delivers Flexibility

The low costs and ease of developing apps with flexibility of these platforms so that enterprises can pursue their goals in an efficient manner. Android makes it easy to develop fully customized apps suitable for any requirement or process. Also the custom apps can be localized to increase productivity.

Stakeholder Value

Today’s enterprises prefers being responsive to their stakeholders and promotes an open culture, encourage feedback, get positive image and reap the benefits out of it. This is a collaborative software development methodology where both end-users and stakeholders have major role in-terms of environment and culture.

Customer Engagement

Mobile apps not only revolutionize the internal workings of a business but also increase customer engagement. As future belongs to mobile and people now prefer browsing the internet through their smart-phones rather than traditional computing devices, Android becomes the most dominant with 84% of market share. It’s no doubt that this dominance won’t end anytime soon and global businesses already invested in consumer-facing apps to get more clients downloading them on their smartphones stands a great chance of developing a reliable and secure engagement channel.

Customizable UI/UX

Alluring user interface can lead your application towards immense popularity. Android platform based apps extremely customizable and easy to manage. Now Google has started to focus on developing customizable user interface by assisting developers in the process of creating business apps and since Android is an open source platform, it enable developers in converting creative ideas into reality and build interactive and innovative apps with a wide range of customization options.

Multiple Sales Channels

Unlike most mobile platforms, Android applications can be developed in multiple ways. One can build and publish these mobile apps by choosing the right promotional strategy to effectively reach end users. Android is a great platform having much popularity due to lesser compatibility issues. Custom-built Android apps can be designed keeping specific requirement from end users in mind that will sync seamlessly with most business programs. The availability of numerous connectors can link enterprise applications with 3rd party apps like Mail Chimp, Salesforce and many more.


For sustaining your business website in the long run, it’s important to adapt new technological evolutions constantly. Having an android app designed by professional mobile app development agency will simplify the processes for you. You will have a business app which is accessible to every user, ensuring wider reach in the longer run.

Android Mobile Apps Development

Android Mobile Apps Development

Why Businesses Should Invest In Android Mobile Apps Development?
