Plastic Silos
Although you can’t see them there are always two people in a picture, me the photographer and you the viewer.  My job as the photographer is to raise the everyday, the banal and the mundane to art.  Your job as the viewer is to understand  beauty can be seen in all things.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
– Elliott Erwitt
Silo Loading Pipes
Silo #6
Silo Stairs.
Silo Conduit.
Beer Storage Tank Loading Pipes and Valves.
Silo Loading Pipes
Gas Canisters
Warehouse Gas Pipes.
Lamp Post.
Warehouse under construction with scaffolding.
Truck Wash and Rest Area.
Loading Dock Door Abandoned warehouse, Kitchener
Cement Silo Ladder and Exhaust Fan Detail.
Holland Marsh Garage Entrance.


Black and white images documenting industrial buildings in a minimalistic detailed new landscape genre.
