GnamBox are a couple of social content influencers that create contents 
through their channels. telling their point of view on the world of food, travel and lifestyle.

For them, I created some gifs to be used on Instagram stories that could enrich their contents 
and those of their followers. The gifs were designed in line with the Gnambox style and consistent with the themes most commonly used in stories: from food to drinks, to generic brand gifs. 
The gifs are completely conceived, designed and animated specifically for the project.

Molino Pasini is a leading company in the production of artisan flours. 
In order to enrich the Instagram stories of their social channel, I made some gifs that have
as their protagonist the iconic pack that interacts with some of the main ingredients. 
The pack was made with the After Effects 3D composition 
and animated with perpetual twists and rebounds.


