Editorji identity and application

E d i t o r j i   i d e n t i t y   a n d   a p p l i c a t i o n

Your own on-demand news channel—just press play

Identity Design
Partner-in-charge Itu Chaudhuri | Design Concept Avi Agarwal| Design Development Itu Chaudhuri | Alternate Design Concepts Archie Parikh, Aashim Raj, Niloy Kundu 

Application Design
UX UI Director Lisa Rath | UX UI Concept Avi Agarwal, Sreeja Chatterjee, Lisa Rath | UX UI Development Mohammad Zerik, Shantanu Sinha, Rajat Bhandari | Sound Designer Niloy Kundu | Development Supervision Sreeja Chatterjee, Mohammad Zerik, Vikrant Gupta | Animation Ritu Kumari, Anirudha Hajare, Tathagat Biswas | External development & Maintenance Opalina | Project duration 2 years

Vikram Chandra, former NDTV CEO launched a multi-lingual video news app Editorji in 2018. The app presents a personalised news feed using an AI algorithm that curates news based on user data. With the app idea in the nascent stages, we were approached to design the identity and the app.

For the everyday news consumer, the value proposition of the app is instant gratification—your news on-demand. This immediacy with no barriers paves the way for news that matters—without the anchor’s views and opinions blocking the viewing experience.
read more about this project at www.icdindia.com
Editorji identity and application