Dawn to dusk

Dreams are not something we live only when we have reached where we want to see ourselves, its lived from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn. Its lived everyday.

We live our dreams everyday. We live all those failures that we face. We live every disappointment that strikes us. We live with self doubt. We live and learn the power of anger, silence and all such emotions. We live all those small happiness we get by working on our dreams. We live before even getting close to where we want to be. We are living it every moment.

We hardly appreciate or should I say we hardly make time to appreciate and understand that we live our dream everyday. Also by the time we achieve what we once dreamt, it's already past and we'll find ourselves already working towards bigger dreams.
The devil inside

Only light can destroy darkness is a phrase that we all must have heard a lot. But why is darkness always bad?

Darkness is just like the problems we face. Or should I say problems that we are too scared of facing.

We all are scared. Scared to voice out when something wrong happens to not only others but us too. We are scared to talk to people and ask for help. We are scared to show love, thinking it will always hurts in the end. We are always scared to ride that extra mile as people don't have a good opinion about it.

Darkness needs no source. It's everlasting unlike light, which always need a source. Just like darkness problems are everlasting too. But what matter is how you treat them.

Either you can wait for the source of light to fight the darkness or deal with the devil because at the end of the day, the devil is no one else but you.
Driven and shot with Sirish Chandran
Dawn and dusk
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Dawn and dusk

Dawn and Dusk

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