Iris Vidals profil

La vieja fábrica

· D E S C R I P T I O N ·
Rebrand & packaging for “La vieja fábrica” jams. 
This historic brand, founded in 1834, stands out for its long history and for the quality of its product, visible in its jars: 
"In La vieja fábrica (The old factory) there is no photo, there is fruit." 

· P R O J E C T ·
The artistic line is based on contemporary graphic references to the origin of "La vieja fábrica", with a marked typographic contrast and shapes that place the consumer at a specific time and allow him to connect with it.The difference of its image with respect to that of its competitors, a hierarchy of clean information and a compact graphic range create an easily identifiable product in the supermarket line. 

This project was carried out under the supervision of E. Aguilera during the Branding & Packaging Master Degree at BAU.

Art direction | Branding | Packaging​​​​​​​

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La vieja fábrica

La vieja fábrica

Rebrand for a traditional brand of jams in Spain.
