Profil von Doug Beach

Interpreting the Creative Cloud

For the recent Adobe Creative Cloud launch we went to artists in each of our segments, design, web, video, and photography, to reinterpret our logo. This got me thinking about what my cloud would look like if I were to do one. So I did and here's how I got there.
A few years ago while driving back from a shoot in the central valley we witnessed a murmuration. A flock of birds roosting in the field, then bursting out in crazy patterns only to disappear again. Something about this amazing sight felt like the ultimate metaphor for the Creative Cloud; community, collaboration, creativity, and inspiration.
I used a frame from video that I shot of the experience as a source to sketch out about ten pages of birds in various poses. Then I composited them into the cloud logo shape on top of an image I shot years ago of a dust storm in Ica, Peru.
Interpreting the Creative Cloud

Interpreting the Creative Cloud

The Adobe Creative Cloud logo reinterpreted.

