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Magento 2 Cancel Order Extension

🔥 [New Item] 🔥 Magento 2 Cancel Order Extension | Customers Cancel Orders Frontend
😍 Only $59, you can get the best solution to cancel orders. Magento 2 Cancel Order allows customers to cancel orders easily with the ''Cancel Order'' link on the ''My Orders'' page. They also can leave a comment for store owners to clarify order-cancellation reasons. After customers cancel orders from the frontend, the module will automatically send notification emails to the store admin.
Let's check our prominent features:
- Allow customers to cancel Pending orders from the frontend
- Allow customers to enter comments
- Send Notification Emails to admins automatically after customers canceled orders
- Change order status and auto restock products
- - Manage all comments of customers
- Enable to set email sender, email receiver and email template in the backend
- View all the canceled orders
- Enable to configure the settings
👉 Check more details at:
🌈 How Cancel Order in Magento 2 works:
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Magento 2 Cancel Order Extension
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Magento 2 Cancel Order Extension

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