Profilo di Nathan Wirth

White Silence Sea Rock


“White is the most singular and vivid image that arises from the center of chaos. It works against the principles of mixture, revealing itself by breaking the gravity that pulls everything towards gray. White is the most extreme example of this singularity. It is not a mixed entity; it is not even a color at all …

… when white emerges from boundless chaos, it becomes information, namely, life. Chaos is the “field,” white is the “figure.” The process of the emergence of figure from field is “creation.” We can see all the basic forms layered in that imagination that apprehends white emerging from the chaos of gray.”

-- From White by Kenya Hara --

White Silence Sea Rock

White Silence Sea Rock

Another series of images inspired by Kenya Hara's book White. In this series, the focus is on the sea-- its water, its mists, and its rocks.
