Infographic created to mark the 56th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963. This piece is meant to address the wage disparity issue associated with gender and race. The infographic is divided into three sections, each illustrates a different component of pay inequality. The first portion revisits historical events and milestones that advanced the issue of pay equity in the United States. The middle portion focuses on the issue at the local level in Miami-Dade County. The last portion offers solutions to combat pay inequality for future generations.

The color palette is inspired by the pink pussyhat wearing women that boldly joined together for the Women’s March on Washington. The vibrant shade emphasizes the women’s boldness while the black, white and grays provide contrast to the whole piece. The futura typeface was chosen to emphasize the desire to boldly and clearly move the issue closer to complete equity.
Is The Future Female
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Is The Future Female

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