A while back I started working on my 'Diversity Art Project.' I've continued to do additional work that a bit more complex using a specific palette of colors. I'd create a design than write a micro short story to go with it.

Like most people, I’ve been thinking about the Coronavirus quiet a bit. Washing hands, not touching the face, etc.

I stayed up late this past weekend, drawing. I paused, thinking to myself, “What should I draw next?” I wasn’t sure and was quickly beginning to drift into that realm of thought where I’m awake, but slowly ebbing towards a sleepy consciousness.

I knew it was time to go to bed but felt I had one more drawing in me. That’s when a foggy visual came to mind. What I saw was a shape of a face, a circular disc on its forehead and wing type of forms, and then it faded away.

The next morning I looked at the drawing (doodle) I did the night before, and it hit me. It’s like my mind took those things I had been thinking about, and it came through as this character. The headdress is kind of like hands, and the facial marking represents touching? And the demeanor of the character is somewhat nefarious, much like the virus we're all fighting.

So I named this artwork ‘Perilupos.’ If you want to come up with a story for this character, have at it. #diversity #iconic #colors
'Perilupos' illustration. Part of the 'Diversity Art Project.'
Late night drawing.
Other multi-colored diversity icon designs I've written micro short stories for. See my Instagram account to read them.



Artwork inspired by the Coronavirus.
