Profilo di Declan East

Jantzen Skiers | Animated Poster

Animation of a classic poster for Jantzen ski clothing in 1947. My aim with this work was to animate the characters whilst matching the original style developed by artist Joseph Binder. 

I started with a rough draft of the foreground figure in Photoshop. I then took this into Animate, where I completed most of the animation. The foreground figure was used as a reference for the second figure.
To achieve the rough edges in the original design, highlight layers like those seen on the back of the figures, were extended beyond the underlying layers. This was done so that effects could be applied only on the interior edge of shapes in After Effects using the full shapes as clipping masks. 
Final colouring and lighting was done in After Effects using masks, gradients, layer styles fractal noise effects and blurs. The background and logo were isolated in Photoshop. Skis were created in After effects using a couple masks and some noise effects.
The snow was mostly animated in Photoshop using custom brushes created to mimic the original style of the poster. This was the hardest part of the poster to match to the original style, and required me to move back and forth between Photoshop and After effects trying different effects and brush work.
The original poster was design by Joseph Binder for Jantzen ski clothing in 1947.
Jantzen Skiers | Animated Poster

Jantzen Skiers | Animated Poster

A classic poster by Joseph Binder in 1947 animated in Animate, After Effects and Photoshop. My aim with this work was to perfectly match the orig Leggi di più
