Cody Henrikson 的個人檔案

An Evening Quarantined with Legend Mike K.

An Evening In Quarantine with Legend Mike K.
I chose this image to be my cover photo and first in the sequence because I feel it sums up the entire story Im portraying all in one image. I used the rule of thirds to focus in on the Lysol bottle and create a shallow depth of field look with all the things that sums up Mike's night in the bokeh background. With Mike's Specialty crafted homemade cocktail, the Siracha bottle and his smokes in the background of the Lysol bottle. I feel this tells the story of many Americans right now during this pandemic crisis. 
Mike is a laid off Bartender quarantined at home so he naturally takes advantage of his skills and mixes up a couple drinks. Im happy with how this shot turned out, not too grainy and overall i got what I wanted with this.I put emphasis on the big mixed drink because i liked the color of it and thought it looked good with the two shot glasses in the background. I was trying to give the image a nice shallow depth of field by using the rule of thirds and spacing the glasses further back.
Being quarantined in states like Colorado has its advantages.with this photo I was trying to focus on the joint and Mikes hands I like the color in this image, I think could of done a better job portraying the joint rolling. If anything I could of cropped out the nonsense on the left side of the image. This is what many people in America are doing right now, sitting on their couches drinking booze and smoking the reefers.
This is another image of Mike wrapping up his final product. I found a sort of balance with this image, I like the light centered giving it balance. I also used the rule of thirds here using the darker contrast of  Mike and the couch contrasted with the light mellow tan wall behind him.
Im a fan of how this image turned out but I wish it was less grainy, (that is a problem I have to work on). In this photo I was thought it looked good lining up with his shelves in the background. I went black and white with this to try and relieve some of the noise but I am happy I got the cherry to glow orange. 
Here I wanted to go for a behind the blurry head, shallow depth, POV type of shot because I have never done one before. This was a first for me getting a behind the head POV shot 
This was honestly my favorite shot just because of how simple it is. I know it's a lot of background but I like the bokeh space behind the ashtray, the background helps tell the story. A trapped in the snowy mountains kinda feel.
Most of this food was donated from local restaurants and places of work. Here i was working on my long shots instead of wide.
Are coincidences,  coincidences? I know its just a photo of the tv, I couldn't help myself with the red led lighting the tv produces as a backlight. It was great timing. I like that the commutation is there also I think it adds some style to the all red photo.
This photo reminded me of something that should be advertised as a mountain living photo. I wanted it to feel warm and deep. The chopped up logs themselves tell a story, It makes you think of the process those logs have gone through to get into Mike's apartment.
An Evening Quarantined with Legend Mike K.

An Evening Quarantined with Legend Mike K.

