Jamie Storey profili

Everyman: Theatre Design Project

Whilst attending the Brit School of Performing Arts, my first theatre design project was based off a played called Everyman. 

I worked in a team of two to research, design, construct and paint the final set. In addition to this we worked with a director and cast of actors to ensure they knew how the set worked and that they were happy with it. 

The show ran for two weeks, and we not only learnt how to work in a production company but with a director and cast. This project really helped me work on my presentation and communication skills. 
The set was made so that the cast could interact and use the set pieces to create the storyline. The smaller boxes could be moved around, stood on and could even light up. 

I loved this project as it gave me the creative freedom to really work on my design skills which led to an interactive and original final design. 

This project gave me my first insight into the theatre industry and how to work in a design team and a production company. 
Everyman: Theatre Design Project
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Everyman: Theatre Design Project

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