Dave Stevenson's profile

Ontario Ministry of Health - Quit The Denial

In Canada, the fastest growing group of smokers are young people who only smoke occasionally. Problem is, those who call themselves "social smokers" don't consider themselves "real" smokers and as a result don't feel they need to quit.
The campaign work needed to get these people to recognize that social smoking really is smoking; and question their smoking identity. We set out to challenge social smokers, not to quit smoking, but to quit their denial.
Posters in restaurants and bars

Online ads

Facebook Page
This is where we fueled discussion through posting ongoing content and moderating conversations.
Coasters and Memes
Coasters were distributed in restaurants and bars across Ontario. These poster-like "memes" were also posted as ongoing content on Facebook.
Mirror Clings
These were placed in bathrooms of bars and restaurants across Ontario.

Cannes Titanium & Integrated Lion: Bronze
Cannes Titanium & Integrated Lion: Bronze

Creative Directors: Dave Stevenson, Nancy Crimini-Lamann, Deborah Prenger
Copywriters: Jonathan Weiss, Richard Weiser, Dave Stevenson
Art Directors: Graham Ameron, Stuart Thursby

Ontario Ministry of Health - Quit The Denial

Ontario Ministry of Health - Quit The Denial

Elements from the Quit The Denial campaign for the Ontario Ministry of Health.
