Select the impossible

Anyone can select the path that have been traveled by many. Always try to choose new ways that have yet not been discovered.

Challenge yourself to see the impossible in life as everything is possible and no one can keep you out from doing what you desire the most in life. Only you, yourself can keep you out of reach from the possibilities which feels like "The Impossible" in life. 


Before we decide to save the planet we pause for a moment of silence and experience reality as reality is we think ordinarily of the present as an infinitesimal point at which the future changes into the past, but we don't realize the past is caused by the present. The present is the only real time. Why do you like to travel? You see travelling is peculiar in which it is caused by marvelous pattern of moments that doesn't mean anything but you see if  you believe it hard enough, you will feel it. In life we come into many conclusions but without being in the present the past and future drop away.

The one does it not to be good for you But just because you dig it does not very much point in nearly talking about it, you can understand it only by doing it............
The dream
It all starts with a dream no Matter how small your dream if it can make you sleepless then go for it. The inner happiness is something that you make inside by achieving your dream no dream is a dream if it can't make you sleepless 
The photograph

The photograph
