Ezio Molinari's profile

Vista | An Aesthetic Exploration of Europe

title. Moor Door                                                size : 24" 36"                                                 location : Venice, Italy
title : What Is The Truth?                                           size : 36" x 24"                           location : Barcelona, Spain
The doors to La Sagrada Familia on the Passion façade stand 5.87 x 2.4 meters. Also known as the Gospel doors, they are comprised of 8000 bronze characters depicting text from the New Testament in various languages.
The planning of the church began when architect Francesco de Paula del Villar offered to design the whole structure. Originally planned to be a gothic church, due to fundamental disagreements with founder Boca Bella he resigned. In 1883 Antoni Gaudi took over.
Scheduled to be completed by 2030. This project is completely paid for by visitors and private donations.
title : Eye on Thames                                        size : 50.5" x 13"                                          location : London, England
title : Angel of Truth                                           size : 27" x 24"                                             location : London, England
A detail from the Queen Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace, London, England. Designed by Sir Aston Webb, the statues were sculpted by Sir Thomas Brock. The four sides of the monument are comprised of Queen Victoria on the east side, Angel of Truth on the south, Angel of Justice on the north and a statue of Charity on the west side.
title : Quasimodo's Vista                                  size : 47.597" x 24"                                       location : Paris, France
A vista, from the bell tower  which overlooks the square in front of Notre Dame. In the far off distance the Eiffel Tower breaks the horizon and Mont Martre watches over from the north.
title : Timeless                                                         size : 13" x 21.9"                                     location : Paris, France
A clock detail viewed from the bell tower of Notre Dame. The distant encroachment of modern architecture can be seen just beyond the decorative fringe of the roofline.
title : Melancholy Spire                                      size :  36" x 24"                                          location : Paris, France
A view of the spire of Notre Dame in Paris. The original spire was built in 1250, used as a bell tower housing five bells. It was taken down from 1786-1792. In 1850 Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc was in charge of the restoration of Notre Dame, which included a new spire, built by a carpenter by the name of Bellu.
The copper statues are of the 12 apostles.
title : Ile de la Cite                                            size : 48.6" x 24"                                          location : Paris, France
In the fall when the weather is agreeable there is an open-air art exhibit in the garden at the rear of Notre Dame. Local artists display their watercolours, paintings, illustrations etc.
title : Regal Guardian                                         size : 22" x 35.5                                         location : Paris, France
title : View from Pont de la Concourde             size : 29.6" x 24"                                         location : Paris, France                   
Laws are in place in Paris, which limit new construction. Any new buildings cannot exceed the height of their surroundings and must reflect the style of architecture. Unlike modern cities, which have let developers dictate a less appealing (glass and metal landscape), Paris has maintained and preserved its beauty.
title : Napoleon's View                                       size : 36" x 24"                                            location : Paris, France
Louis XIV passed an ordinance in 1670 to announce the building of a shelter: “ To construct a royal building of sufficient size and space to receive and lodge all officers and men who are crippled, old and frail and to guarantee sufficient funds for their subsistence and upkeep.”
The first stone was laid in 1671 and the first soldiers entered in 1674.
Louis XIV commissioned Mansart to construct the Eglise du Dome, a separate royal chapel. Originally Napoleon was buried in 1821 on the island of St Helena. King Louis Phillipe had his body exhumed and subsequently entombed in the chapel in 1840.
The dome was painted by Charles de la Fosse.
“I would like to be laid to rest on the banks of the Seine, among the French people whom I loved so dearly.”  Napoleon I
title : Metro Art Nouveau I                                size : 31" x 26.577"                                      location : Paris, France
Hector Gulmard designed the Metro signs in the art nouveau style.
The first line (Line 1) of the Paris Metro was opened on July 19,1900. An additional six lines were added by 1910. In 1998 a milestone was passed when Line 14 was opened, the first major metro line in a world capital with no driver.
title : Gare du Nord                                           size : 40" x 27"                                             location : Paris, France
The original Gare du Nord was opened in 1846 but by 1857 a decision was made to replace it with a station three times the size. The old station was torn down in 1860 and subsequently opened to the public in 1864 while construction continued until 1865.
The unique feature of the station is the 23 female statues that adorn the façade. Each statue represents a destination served by the Chemin de Fer du Nord Rail Company.
title : Metro Art Nouveau II                                size : 36" x 24"                                            location : Paris, France
title : Sanctuary                                                size : 36" x 24"                                             location : Paris, France
title : Steps to a Time Past                                size : 36" x 24"                                            location : Udine, Italy
Legend has it that Attila the Hun plundered Aquileia in 452. Soldiers ordered to gather earth in their helmets built the hill and it was used to view Aquileia as it burned. The first official record of a building on the hill dates 983. An earthquake destroyed the fortress in 1511. Construction began in 1517, continuing for 50 years.
title : Piazza XX Settembre                                size : 26" x 24"                                           location : Udine, Italy
title : Basilica San Marco                                  size : 25.6" x 24"                                          location : Venice, Italy
Basilica San Marco was originally built in 829. During a revolt in 976 it was burned down and dismantled, eventually rebuilt by 1071. The ornate design was utilized as a representation of the Venetian Republic’s power and as a suitable resting place for St Marc.
title : Last Breath                                              size : 32" x 24"                                             location : Venice, Italy
The break between the two halves symbolize the division of judiciary vs prison, freedom vs imprisonment, and in some cases life vs death.
The Ponte dei Sospiri (Bridge of Sighs) connects the Palazzo delle Prigioni (Prisoner’s Palace on right) and the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace on left). This was used for prisoners going to their trails and returning convictions. Various accounts exist for the origin of the bridges name: The windows of the bridge gave prisoners one last gasp and view of the free world. (From the interior there is no actual view) Another version is that once prisoners were convicted their hands and legs would be tied while in the bridge. Then a trap door would drop the prisoner into the canal below to their demise.
title : Piazza San Marco                                      size : 22.25" x 24"                               location : Venice, Italy
Piazza San Marco is the central square in Venice, surrounded by Basilica San Marco, Doge’s Palace and Torre dell’Orologio (Tower of the Clock). Also home to Caffé Florian, reportedly Europe’s first coffee house since 1720. The café still retains much of the original décor.
title : St Peter's Diptych                                    size : 54" x 20"                                            location : Vatican City
The site of St Peter’s Basilica hosted the Circus of Nero and a cemetery in the first century AD. Tradition has it that St Peter was martyred in the Circus and buried nearby. In 324, Emperor Constantine began construction of a basilica on the site of the tomb. By the mid-15th century Pope Nicholas V asked architect Bernardo Rossellino to add to the original basilica. This approach was abandoned a short while later.
Construction of the current basilica began in 1506 and was completed in 1615. Michelangelo designed the dome and Bernini designed St Peter’s square.
title : Ferrovia                                                    size : 32" x 24"                                            location : Udine, Italy
A tribute to family members who have worked on the railways past and present.
title : Burning Souls                                          size : 36" x 24"                                            location : Rome, Italy
The Colosseum was built between 72AD- 80AD (completed in 82AD). The actual name of the structure is the Flavian Amphitheater built by Emperor Vaspasian Flavian. It is said over 400,000 people perished in the Colosseum over its 390 years of spectacle.
The outer walls’ collapse on the south side can be attributed to an earthquake in 847AD. Part of the Colosseum was built over an ancient river that was filled by sediment and materials from excavations. The last gladiator fights occurred in 435BC and animal hunts continued until 523BC.
title :  Bernini's Columns                                    size : 36" x 24"                                          location : Vatican City
Alexander VII commissioned sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini to design and build the columns between 1656-1667. The semi-circular colonnades symbolize the stretched arms of the church embracing the world. The colonnades consist of four rows of columns: 284 Doric columns and 88 pilasters. There are 140 statues installed on top, which depict popes, martyrs, evangelists and other religious figures.
title : Hotel Abruzzi                                            size : 36" x 24"                                            location : Rome, Italy
title : Cupola of the Pantheon                            size : 36" x 24"                                            location : Rome, Italy
It is the oldest standing dome structure in Rome. Built in 27BC as a temple honoring all Roman gods then was converted in 609AD to a Christian church.
title : Tarnished Peak                                        size : 30" x 20"                                            location : Vatican City
A tarnished glow from the ball atop St Peter’s Basilica amidst the foreboding clouds. Over the years there have been many scandals to involve The Vatican and one very prolific event involved Pope John Paul I. In 1978 Pope John Paul I’s pontificate spanned only 33 days when he passed. The Italian press caught the Vatican on various lies and discrepancies, which brought about rumours of foul play.
In 1546 Michelangelo became chief architect, he is responsible for the design of the dome. At the time of his death in 1564, only the drum (the base where the dome sits) was complete. Architect Giacomo della Porta with the assistance of Domenico Fontana continued the construction. The dome was vaulted between 1585 and 1590. Fontana built the lantern the following year and the ball placed in 1593.
In mid March of 1978, 33 of the world’s leading Roman Catholic leaders met to plan a serious worldwide war on poverty. Within a year a staggering number of those leaders had been eliminated.
title : The Guardian                                           size : 24" x 28"                                  location : Rome, Italy
Majestic winged lion figures flank the main stairway of the Monument to Vittorio Emmanuelle II. Designed by Giuseppe Sacconi in 1895, it was constructed between 1911-1935. It was built to honor the unification of Italy and as a tribute to the first king.
title : Renaissance Panorama                           size : 70.25" x 15.75"                                 location : Florence, Italy
View from Piazzale Michelangelo on the south shore of the Arno River. Florence was built by the Romans in 59BC. Birthplace of the Renaissance under the Medici family, for 200 years (1400-1600). Florence became the home to writers, poets, painters, sculptors and architects including Dante, Da Vinci and Michelangelo.
title : Duomo                                                      size : 23.81" x 24"                                      location : Florence, Italy
In 1418 Filippo Brunelleschi was commissioned to execute the dome of the Duomo. The dome exemplifies great innovations both artistically and technically. It is one of the first examples of architectural functionalism.
title : Cobblestones of Florence                                   size : 48.14" x 24"                     location : Florence, Italy
In 1339 Florence became the first city in Europe to have paved streets.
title : Vespa                                                      size 36" x 24"                                               location : Udine, Italy
title : Hotel Blues                                               size ; 49.25" x 15"                                      location : Florence, Italy
title : Bar                                                           size : 40.493" x 18"                                     location : Florence, Italy
title : Pronto                                                      size : 15.5" x 26"                                          location : Venice, Italy
Payphones situated outside the Venezia Santa Lucia train station.
Vista | An Aesthetic Exploration of Europe

Vista | An Aesthetic Exploration of Europe

A collection of images shot on a four country, seven city visit to Europe. A variety of visual maniplations were used in the series. Each piece Read More
