These are my entries for the annually held TYPOZONE 4 poster exhibition set in Eger, Hungary, hosted by Eszterházy Károly Egyetem, Media Institute. This exhibition always has a theme, this year it was FICTION. Besides this, the criteria for the pieces were to work in black and white, and have some sort of type in it. I decided to take a more tactile and whimsical approach for the task. I sewed together random pieces of fabric and paper on the first poster, and placed it in a manner to create the feeling of capturedness. Then further manipulated the text, afterwards went in with brushes to make it look like it was badly printed. On the second piece I did the same thing, but the quotation marks were stenciled with lithogtaph ink, to also achive the feeling of handmade-ness.
TYPOZONE 4 entries

TYPOZONE 4 entries

My entries for the annually held TYPOZONE 4 poster exhibition. The pieces were done mostly manually, but put together in Photoshop. The key crite Read More
