Insight: Homeless people are either criminals or drug addicts.
I will never end up like that.
Strategy: encourage families to seek advice from (an already excising site) to address problems before they escalate by showing them how easy a family could become homeless and forced onto the streets.
Rationale: 50,000 households became homeless this year, the biggest increase in 9 years. Divroce, redundancy, recession and health can all be factors leading to life on the streets.
By creating a campaign to tackle assumptions, starting at the root of the problem we aim to encourage traffic to where families can seek advice on huge factors that contribute to the feasible prospect of homelessness.
Becoming homeless can happen to you.
DM launches the campign, already creating awarness, whilst imprinting in peoples brains the easiness of becoming homeless through the simpleness of a letter.
Then begins the ident series, a series of short clips on YouTube, giving the audience the options to interact and take control of the characters life. The audience can decide the fate of the character. Who will become a leading figure through the campiagn, Tim.
A print ad carries on creating awarness. Placed in tube stations, hundereds of regular people would walk past it each day. Initiatlly the poster would appear to be a blank, throughout the day as the trains go by dust would gather of specifically marked, sticky places on the poster. Finally revealing the finished advert. This not only catches peoples attention but signifys the gradual rise and happening of becoming homeless.
The ad features Tim again, a normal man with qualifications and a clever brain, yet still ends up homeless.
With awareness already created and a significant recognisable character through the campaign. Tim would then appear in lots of other places such as wheelie bins and animated billboards. Thus carrying on the initial shock of becoming homeless.
Throughout each advert would be placed on each poster/advert.
Homeless Brief

Homeless Brief

A campaign targeted to change the perception that becoming homeless will never happen to you.
