BC Parks Foundation - The Patches Project 
The Patches Project is a marketing campaign created by myself, Emma Brickstock, in collaboration with Liam Binnema and Leonie Weiss. The campaign was pitched to the BC Parks Foundation and was then chosen to be implemented. The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness towards the BC Parks Foundation as well as inspire donations that are needed to protect, enhance and sustain our parks. 

My role was to ideate and synthesize the concept, research manufacturing methods and patch design. I have now designed over twenty patches representing various Provincial Parks and iconic landmarks all over British Columbia. I have been a part of the photography that is  used on the website and social media platforms. BC Parks Foundation Shop customers have helped children get outside & unplugged, made scientists out of everyday citizens, installed interpretive trails, and protected a stunning area of B.C.'s Sunshine Coast.

The patches can be found at MEC stores around British Columbia as well as https://shop.bcparksfoundation.ca/collections/patches.
Instagram account @cricketinthethicket, enjoying the patches on a hike. 
MEC's display of the patches at the Vancouver flagship store.
BC Parks Foundation

BC Parks Foundation

