My audiovisual experimentation

It includes some of my Arduino, Flash and Processing work.
Infrared Led + Wiimote

Firs test done for constructing a kind of interactive glove, which was supposed to work for major users when navigating on an digital interface created for a graduation project.

Later the infrared led was placed on a designed board with CI 555 multivibrator for a certain frequency emitting light. This project was left aside because of usability issues.
Computer Sound Spectrum

Experimentation project for controlling the volume and colors of a beat.

2 IR Proximity sensors were used in this project, also a LDR sensor to active the intense of a beat. I'm sorry for the lack of sound, will be doing another video soon.
Gestural Design, Prototype table (TCC)

Graduation project for 2009 Graphic Design course. Interactive table with sensors + digital interface controlled only by free-form gestures. Oriented by Denise Eler.

In this project I prototyped an Arduino Duemilanove board + LDR, FSR, IR Proximity Sensors. An interactive table was built for a digital interface in Flash controlled by gestures only.
Stad Spectrum v1.2 test

Original soundtrack: Back to the future
History/Narrative: Alexandre Madureira
Audiovisual: Raul Teodoro

Done for a FUMEC/FEA Sound Design class, 2010.


All of my audiovisual experimentation.
