Ahaan Agarwal 的个人资料

SurfExcel - Packaging Design Project

Detergent packaging all over India looks the same and no brand in particular stands out when you're staring at blocks of detergent stacked on shelves. The packaging is heavy and clunky and gives one a difficult time handling it. The goal for this 2-week project was to create a package that would stand out in the shelves and would be functional, increasing the probability of it getting picked up and becoming a constant product in everyday households. 
Began with analysing the competitors in the market and their respective packages on the shelves, noting down observations on each brands key attributes and comparing them to our brand. Through which certain key words were derived, which would further help me with the graphics aspect.
At the same time, a new package had to be imagined. Pencil was put to paper and the first design for the new package was discovered. It involved a few mechanisms that allowed the package to store and dispense detergent.
Construction of the Form
The toughest part of creating the package was the technical aspect of figuring out the dimensions of the package. It took a series of tries until there was no more time to prototype. This part of the process required the most amount of time, but was also the most satisfying aspect once a decent working model could be made out of it. 
The logo was redesigned using the keywords that we had derived to give meaning to the brand's name. A simple and clear logo was chosen to make it easier for one to understand the nature of the brand. 
The colours were chosen based on the cinematic appearances of "Laundromats", making it easier for consumers to distinguish the utility of the product. 
"Daag Acche Hain"
To further promote the brands message, the package was designed in such a way that when the container would be opened, the dirt (brown spots) or "daag" would turn white, an indication of clean. 
Final Prototype
The final prototype is far from perfect and still requires tweaking to make it perfectly functional. Nonetheless, here's a look at it. 
SurfExcel - Packaging Design Project


SurfExcel - Packaging Design Project

A project submission for a Packaging Design course in university. The theme was to innovate.
