Profil appartenant à Yijun Gao

Mobius Strip (Team Work)

Team Work: Mobius Strip
Team Member: Tingchu King, Ying Duan(Logic&Form) Ning Deng, Shuai Peng(Paneling) Xuan Zhang, Yijun Gao(Documentation)
This project attempts to create a shelter for toddlers, which establish by a Mobius strip created from Grasshopper and a physical simulator pug-in Kangaroo. The strip is composed of meshes, which means the surface of stripe, all made by triangular planer surface, assists team members planarize and construct the structure efficiently. This project presents a dynamic, undulated character to this installation, inviting its young guest to worm their way into the rabbit hole.
Mobius Strip (Team Work)
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Mobius Strip (Team Work)

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