Most of the illustrations done in small sketchbook 115x115mm on the page or two-page spread. All of them created in traditional manner with grey or black ink and then colored with watercolor.
The up left bot was inspired of retro soviet arcade machine "The Highway" (rus. Магистраль). In bottom: this very case when the illustration takes two page spread of the small sketchbook by Talens. I found it is quite useful to have a square format which could give you a panoramic or vertical shot if needed. "The Highway" bot takes the 2 pages too, but placed vertical for instance.
upper right: you can see a Ronin android, in a bottom: Centurion bot helps his masters to enjoy a sunset + ink outlines of the illustrations you can see further in this presentation.
upper left: sketches literally for the march of robots, upper right: Kong 2077
bottom left: the design of this android which lost in calculations inspired on details of Cadillac Convertible. bottom right: a mech that could be used as a personal transport based on you requirements.
In upper: flea-bot also with a possibility to use as a transport and slav-bot gopnik edition but not a Adidas tracksuit version. bottom: crab-bot and more affordable version of Spot like robodog.
upper left: the design of this walker based on exterior of retro soviet bus by Lviv Autobus Plant (LAZ). upper right: I call it rusty one on parade. bottom left: I hope you recognized the elements of legendary Dodge Challenger which have been used for creation this android. bottom right: cyberpunk cowboy, a hacker directly from the books of William Ford Gibson. I have tried to bring some retro wave feelings to the look of this character.
That is it for a moment. And as always thanks for watching, I hope you like it.

MOR '20 vol. 1


MOR '20 vol. 1

Sci-fi illustrations of robots and cyberpunk stuff done with ink and watercolor for the March of Robot challenge

