OPPO watch

Gráficos animados
In March, oppo released the product of oppo watch. The design of double curved surface is very unique.
 We found the arc of flowers in nature to represent the double curved surface design.
OPPO watch New View Video Credit
客户Client: OPPO
Agency: SeenVision
Production House:SeenVision
导演Director: 萨玛
创意指导CreativeDirector: 阿司匹琳
监制Executive Producer:樟脑玩
美术指导Art Director:小武
三维动态设计CGI Animation:萨玛
三维场景设计CGI Scene Design:小武,萨玛,万钇兵,顺洲
三维灯光、渲染、合成 CGI Lighting/ Rending/ Compositing:萨玛,万钇兵,顺洲
模型 Phone Modeling:  黄吉鹏
音乐Music & Sound Design:Echoic Audio Studio
OPPO watch