Profil appartenant à Maria Chrysson

Foundational Exercises that Strengthen the Glutes

Vienna, Virginia entrepreneur Maria Chrysson is an events planner who has a strong commitment to fitness. Over the years, Maria Chrysson has assisted women in combining positive eating habits with regular strength training exercises to improve health.

One of the key ways to improve balance and power in everyday activities, from running to squatting and lifting heavy items, involves strengthening the glutes. Targeting the hip and its deep stabilizing muscles requires specialized barre exercises that include the standing pretzel.

Begin by standing to the left of a sturdy chair or rail, at elbow distance. With the left forearm flat on the rail for support, the right hand is extended forward in a fist, while the right leg is lifted and the hips rotated open. With the hips tucked and abs engaged, the tailbone is pointed downward to maintain a neutral spine. The right leg is then lowered, with the right knee moving toward the left knee, and brought up. A good initial target is 16 reps, before switching to the other side.

Another glute-strengthening exercise is the tabletop turnout, which also works out the abdominals and hamstring. To start, get into tabletop position, with knees on the floor and hands planted slightly wider than the shoulders. The left leg is lifted to hip height and the knee bent, with the toes, pointed outward and heel toward the glutes. With hips tucked, press the left knee forward across 32 reps. Next, extend the left leg straight out sideways and pull the heels toward the glutes for 16 reps, performing a hamstring curl.
Foundational Exercises that Strengthen the Glutes
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Foundational Exercises that Strengthen the Glutes

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