Neil Chens profil

DrInking “Ink”


Tencent News has launched a cultural interview program called "Thirteen Invitations" that aims to provide in-depth discussions about various cultural topics. However, many young people nowadays are not interested in cultural programs. How can we attract them in a way that they care about and even make them appreciate the charm of cultural interview programs?


In China, "drinking ink" is a well-known slang term that means you have read a lot of books and have a high cultural background. We partnered with Costa Coffee to launch a drinkable "ink" that makes "drinking ink" a reality. This “Ink Bottle Coffee” is actually an espresso presented in an ink bottle, which not only represents the social and cultural status symbolized by espresso but also incorporates more interesting cultural connotations through the design of the ink bottle.

在中國,「喝墨水」 是一句家喻戶曉的俚語,意味著你讀過很多書,文化底蘊高。我們和 Costa 咖啡合作推出一款可以喝的 「墨水」,讓 「喝墨水」 變成現實,而這款墨水咖啡本身其實就是濃縮咖啡,透過墨水瓶的包裝來呈現,不只代表著濃縮咖啡本身象徵的社會文化地位,也透過墨水瓶的樣式,加上更多有趣的文化意涵。
Meanwhile, we have opened a one-day pop-up store for "13 Invitations" at Costa Coffee shop in Shanghai, providing young consumers with a fresh experience in a trendy limited-edition coffee shop. The design of the ink bottle also enhances the interest in the "13 Invitations" program.​​​​​​​

同時,我們也在上海的 Costa Coffee 門市,開設「十三邀一日限定店」,透過有話題的限定咖啡店,給到年輕消費者一個新鮮的體驗。同時以瓶身設計對 「十三邀」 這個節目產生更大的興趣。
The "Ink Bottle Coffee" has successfully sparked their interest in this cultural interview program. This product has generated a lot of discussion among young people on the internet, and more young people are watching and experiencing the fun of cultural interview programs.

DrInking “Ink”


DrInking “Ink”
