Profiel van Scott Pikulski

The ART of the Draw Ibook

Cover Art for: The ART of the Draw - 2012
Super Circus - 1988. Watercolor on Illustration board
Great Goblin concept - 1988. This was from a test animation I created.
Editorial Illustration - 1988. (Watercolor on Illustration board) This was a illustration made for a class assigment at the American Academy of Art. This piece was chosen to hang in the school's display window for the summer of 1988.
Sketch  - 1987 Grandpa's basement
Grandpa's basement - 1987 Watercolor on board
The ART of the Draw Ibook

The ART of the Draw Ibook

The ART of the Draw. This book is a visual autobiography of my work from childhood through art school.

