Profiel van Ash Gevorkyan

Movie Calendar (retouching)

My retouching work for calendar  2020 from the construction company A huge team of professionals worked on the calendar. 1 month of preparation, decoration, props, shooting +2 weeks of retouching. I was extremely happy to work with a wonderful photographer from Berlin Andrei Kezzin.

Words by photographer Andrei Kezzin about the concept
The concept of the calendar reflects my attitude to the world around us, in which the professional is an endangered species. And the person doing his work not just well, but masterfully, was lost among the mass . Our person is usually not visible to the crowd who is flipping through social networks in search of new content.  He is a professional, hidden in the shadows, like a super hero. As a superhero of our time, and I decided to show it through movie posters.
James Bond. 
Gladiator. Dir.Ridley Scott
Iron man 3. Dir.Shane Black
Leon: The Professional. Dir. LUC BESSON
Men in black. Dir.Barry Sonnenfeld
Star wars. Dir.George  Lucas
Thor. Dir. Kenneth Branagh
Once upon a time in Hollywood/ Dir.Quentin Tarantino
The Shining. Dir. Stanley Kubrick
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Movie Calendar (retouching)

Movie Calendar (retouching)

