Janelle Cumminss profil

Black@ Facebook Editorial Illustration

During my time at Facebook, I led a committee of talented and passionate employees to create a bimonthly internal newsletter which later evolved into a permanent digital site. This volunteer-led effort aimed to connect, inform and inspire the black community working at Facebook. These are a series of illustrations I created for banner, hero and spot images.
Banner image for early issues of the newsletter. 
For an article on carving out a space in the workplace and building a community for an intersectional Black LGBTQ community
For an article on one woman’s navigation of her identity as a biracial teenager through to adulthood.
For an article encouraging the use of all our senses when practicing self-care.
For an article on effective ways to accomplish your goals.

For an article raising awareness on mental health.
For an article on giving back to the local community.
Black@ Facebook Editorial Illustration

Black@ Facebook Editorial Illustration
