When it comes to menstruation the gulf between rural and urban women broadens considerably. While growing up we have seen how menstruation was not a subject that was discussed freely by our teachers and mothers, yet it was a conversation we have all had. With television, the internet and more awareness and education conversations around menstruation have become less inhibited. However, when it comes to rural areas we see a complete contrast. With the lack of resources, education and awareness about personal hygiene, forgot information about hygiene products the women don’t even have any conversation around menstruation.

Starting from the lack of awareness about hygiene to cultural and religious beliefs, menstruation is perceived as something dirty, impure and unholy. Because of this, menstruation is surrounded by a culture of silence and shame. Menstruating women are often expected to follow a set of restrictions during their periods, such as not going to the temple or offering prayers, not entering the kitchen and not touching certain foods, not touching any other individual especially pregnant women, to living outside the house for three days and many more other endless reasons.

 is a thoughtful initiative for the same where it teaches the young ones about the Menstrual cycle, health, about growing up and the Do's and Dont's.

pickle jar 

