Profil Laura Holland Belk

WEBSITE: Adobe Acrobat X Launch

Adobe Acrobat X
Connect, interact, and engage with next-generation Acrobat Dynamic PDF
A major endeavor for me in 2010. I served as the lead writer for online Acrobat X content -- which entailed soooo much more than simply writing content for a set of pages. Our team developed key messaging blocks for three flavors of product, box copy, brochure copy, online store copy, and so much more. I will include a range of pages from the site so you can get an idea of the scope and flavor of this project. As always, the folks at Adobe were a pure professional joy to work with.
WEBSITE: Adobe Acrobat X Launch

WEBSITE: Adobe Acrobat X Launch

As the lead writer for online content creation, I worked with a team to develop messaging and write content for the Adobe Acrobat X launch on acr Další informace
