The Chitungwiza Central Hospital in Zimbabwe was looking to start a modern and accessible Health Trust Fund for the local patients. Initially they had been using the logo for the hospital. However they decided to create a separate brand for the Chitungwiza Community Health Fund Trust

The brief that I received was to design a creative, memorable and modern logo design, that will help the Chitungwiza Community Health Fund Trust stand out from other brands in the Zimbabwean health services market.
The client gave me a 24 hour deadline. They did not provide any specific scope as to what makes their brand unique, or a lot of background on the organisation. Therefore, the challenge was to design a logo that is solely based on the name of the organisation and what they do. I developed the logo designs based on the following buzz words:
1. Community
2. Health Care
I also considered a design that would be based on the abbreviation "CCHFT" as seen below. 
After working on the options above, I thought of simplifying the logo to just one symbol - a heart. The heart is meant to represent the care and humanity that should be associated with the brand. 

I also wanted to incorporate symbolism associated with health care and I decided that the cross was the simplest and most obvious choice to incorporate. The more that I played around with this idea, the more interesting the logo turned out. Finally I settled on two hearts that overlap and join to make the healthcare cross.
My choice of colours for the logo, was based on colour psychology. I picked green as it is associated with life, health, hope, growth and healing. As seen below, I used three shades of green to make the logo icon more interesting and show the way the two hearts flow to form the health care cross.
I did not want to overwhelm the audience with the green so I decided to use a more "tame" colour for the text, grey. I wanted a shade of grey that lets the icon stand out as and also feels non-threatening and soothing.
I wanted to make the overall brand identity clean and simple. The logo icon itself does a good job of making the brand stand out. Gradients can often be visually overwhelming when abused and so can bright shades of green. However, when teased, they can make the design appealing, refreshing and interesting.

This was the general philosophy that I applied when I designed the business card,
...the letterhead
...the pull up banner well as the vehicle branding.
CCHFT Branding
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CCHFT Branding

Branding project of the Chitungwiza Community Health Fund Trust

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