As a part of a series of international artistic installations, Converse launched its Sneakers Clash Wall with the help of Just Another. As the only city in Australia to celebrate the colourful creative spirit of the Converse Chuck Taylor All Star ‘70’s sneaker for its 2014 spring collection, street artists Alex Lehours, Yok, and Sheryo were invited to transform a large, bland infrastructure in Fremantle, Western Australia.

Converse invited fans from around the world to interact with the artists and influence their creations by making suggestions as to what they should paint. This created a series of collaborations that were fun, vibrant, and colourful. Members of the public were invited to submit their ideas for the mural using the hashtag #SneakersClashFreo via social media. The best submissions were then selected and interpreted by the artists, who featured them permanently on the building.

The Sneakers Clash Wall was designed to stand out against the mundane walls, and Just Another assured that the artists selected were able to transform the space as needed. In project managing the event, Just Another was able to coordinate all aspects of the event conjunction with the other international Converse sites.
Converse Clashwall