So this is my first year being aware of the Natural Cannabis Co. and its annual High Art competition.  I learned about it through an Instagram post and found out Its a competition they have been doing for a few years where they award cash prizes for funky new art in which they use in there stores for display on there products, merch, magazine and as art displays.   The advocate creative and original art and frown  upon copying other peoples concepts or themes.  So i thought the best way to go about it  was to be myself.  There was no limit to the amount of art you could submit but i did learn about the contest after it had already began but i still wanted to enter.   I thought (and think) it would be great to be mentioned in the category with all the phenomenal artist from all the countries from around the world.   So i submitted a few diff pieces.  These are the 1st three i have submitted to the contest which ended on March 20, 2020.  I have included below source images (all coming from Unsplash, Pexels, Pixababy), a breif explanation of my process.  mock-ups of the art in real world conditions.  Plus  I have Speed Art documenting part of the process in the creation of these 3 pieces with the music also created by me.  Take a look, enjoy and follow some of the links.  Will keep you posted on the contest.  Blessings.


So these are the source images i collected specifically for this contest (well some, maybe to many).   I kind of used this contest as an opportunity to put some source on my computer.  Having a good Library helps.  Its easier to sift  through a library of images you have kind of already pre approved.  Although fun, it is and can be very time consuming looking through images from any online library for source photography, fonts, inspiration, rare gems nobody has seen.  Its almost how a Hip Hop Producer or DJ spends hours digging  through crates of records for 1 note of inspiration. It is part of the game. Dont hate the Player. 
Set an allotted time to research source art, images and other inspiration.  Although fun, it can become a hindrance to the creation process in other areas.  Time management is your friend.  ​​​​​​​

All the peices in the series are Adobe Photoshop Multiple Exposure With  The theme being  Magic.  So in creating i wanted to stay ethereal.  Some light elements, constellations, stars, some symbols.  I didn't do to much research of any other art maybe in the genre and as stated before i had to limit the time i did research for some of the other mystical things i have crossed as my path of the Shaman.  But i progressed.  I had always wanted to make a woman with Marijuana leaf hair.  I went through a few different looks opting to see both her curls and the leafs.  Adding fire embers,  constellation, star charts from the Met Open Source Gallery. Alot of Layer Masking and choices. Clean lines and having it be not to busy.    I saturated the colors heavily.  I wanted the green to pop. A little splash of yellow to match some of the embers.   And the flower Crown.    

Below is The final piece, the source images used for this art.  Mock-Ups, the  speed art and a link to my Redbubble site ft this peice displayed in 
This is my art at my Redbubble Page.  Take a trip over Let me know what you think
This is my art at my Redbubble Page.  Take a trip over Let me know what you think
420 Mystic Tree of Life

With this one i feature heavily  the Kabbalah tree of life.  I  used in other pieces in the series as well.  This one i used the image of this Reggae Rasta, Kind of the iconic image for cannabis consumption.  Overlayed with the iconic Cannabis plant i added the tree and with the way the light shines with it in the image it looks like the bronchial trees in the lungs.   The phases of the moon, a few nebula and the clocks added to the feel i was looking for.  A lot of this is layer masking and blending added with a lot of saturation in the colors gave it the rich magical feel i desired.  All that with the leaves of the cannabis shadowed but prevalent in the image.  Also is he alternate image. 

Below is The final piece, the source images used for this art.  Mock-Ups, the  speed art and a link to my Redbubble site ft this piece displayed in 
This is my art at my Redbubble Page.  Take a trip over Let me know what you think
This is my art at my Redbubble Page.  Take a trip over Let me know what you think

The Pineal Gland is what people talk about when they mention the 3rd Eye.  It is represented in many different religions and spiritual systems.   I used the amazing photo of the young man as a start and merged it with the image of the budding cannabis flower.  Creating new borders and allowing him to take on a new shape. The Kabbalah Tree of Life i and the cloud of wisdom hovering around the top of his head a s crown to nest the jewel of the eye.    With the use of layer masking and blending adding images of some jellyfish gave it a real ethereal feel aswell as adding some real bright pops of color.    A lot of this is layer masking and blending added with a lot of saturation in the colors gave it the rich magical feel i desired.  All that with the flowering  cannabis flower shadowed but prevalent in the image.  . 

Below is The final piece, the source images used for this art.  Mock-Ups, the  speed art and a link to my Redbubble site ft this piece displayed in 

I am open to commission, contract work and  collaboration.  Inbox about any inquires or request.   
High Art Contest Submission Pt 1

High Art Contest Submission Pt 1

A series of multiple exposures created in Adobe Photoshop for the Natural Cannabis Company High Art Contest
