What worked well?
I think that as a team Deanna and I worked well together. We were able to agree on a not-for-profit charity easily and therefore we were able to start planning what we actually wanted to shoot in good time. Whilst shooting for the escalator campaign we shared the jobs equally and if there was something that we didn't like we were able to communicate that to each other and change things accordingly. As we were working with children I thought that it would be difficult to direct them and get them to do what we wanted but they were really well behaved and it was easy to get all the shots that we needed.
What didn't work?
Near the beginning of this brief it was really difficult for us to decide on a call for action, we kept changing between donations and 'getting involved' by becoming a member of the charity. The first day of shooting didn't go very well, we hadn't checked whether we were allowed to film in the location or whether there was parking (as thats how we were transporting our models) so that stunted our shooting and on the first day we hardly got any shooting done. This meant that we had to find an extra day to shoot which became a little inconvenient for us both. Another issue we had was that our storyboard kept changing, mainly because as we started to shoot we realised that there was certain shots and angles that we couldn't do well or to a good enough standard that we would have been happy with. 
What would you do differently next time?
If we were to do this brief again I would do reccies to the locations that we wanted to shoot at before hand so I could work out whether there was parking or filming restrictions to avoid having to reschedule shoots. I would also do more test shoots before getting the model/actors involved as I feel that because we didn't do this our shoot days were long and dragged out as we had to test things out before shooting them for real.   
Final Evaluation - 
Overall I am happy with our final product, I feel that we worked well together and that we shared the work out evenly so neither of us felt as though the work produced wasn't ours. It was a good experience working more with moving image as it was a new challenge but also allowed me to improve my skills and knowledge in that area.
ITM - Anaylsis


ITM - Anaylsis

Analysis of term two not for profit escalator campaign


Creative Fields