Cher𝙮ꪶ 依璘's profile

Lino Carving and Printing - Monster

Theme: monster

I carved a human face that depicts a savage expression dwelling on its characteristics of two horns crowned, with the word 'savage' being engraved, and rough scales-like cheeks to represent the scars and obstacles. The expression is elaborated and emphasised through its huge bulging eyes looking obscenely excited while savouring on an octopus - a representation of animals. To me, even though we inevitably indulge in meat produce and all, there are also a number of people around the world who kills animals like dogs and deer to savour their meat. This still shows a immorally savage side of humans eating animals without feeling any sense of guilt,. I believe in the co-existence of animals and mankind, therefore this immoral act reminds me of cannibalism just like a monster.
chosen print
lino carving
development prints
development prints
development prints
development prints
the 'Savage' badges
Lino Carving and Printing - Monster


Lino Carving and Printing - Monster
