I've created a set of images describing pollution in the sea
and its heavy impact on creatures living in there. 

Around 150 million tons of plastic are already floating in our oceans - with an additional
eight million tons entering the water each year, according to the World Economic Forum.

Researchers believe that plastic plays a role in rising rates of species extinction.

According to a recent study authored by researchers at Plymouth University,
a staggering 700 different marine species are threatened by its presence. 
Research found that 693 species had been documented as having encountered
plastic debris, with nearly 400 involving entanglement and ingestion. 

Between entanglement, ingestion and ecosystem damage, the threat
of plastic pollution impacts marine species both large and small.
Studies have found thousands of plastic beads in the stomachs of fish and other aquatic animals. These plastics leach toxins and can cause digestive issues in animals.
When plastic bags make their way into the oceans, marine animals can easily ingest them,
which causes gastrointestinal blockages and other serious health problems. 

According to ecologist Mark Browne, worldwide, around 100,000 marine animals accidentally consume plastics, like microfibers, spreading toxins through the ecosystem.

More than this, plastic does not decompose, instead breaking down
into even smaller pieces (microplastics)
The full effects are not understood, but there is growing evidence of plastic harming
sea creatures and restricting their movement.
And even the deepest sea creatures can’t escape plastic pollution; 

samples taken by scientists at the Scottish Association for Marine Science off the Western Isles found that 48% of creatures had plastic in them, at a depth of 2,000 m.
It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by weight 
if current rates of plastic dumping hold.
We have seen around 52 percent of the world’s wildlife disappear in the past 40 years,
and if we continue to dump plastic into the world’s oceans, this number is set to increase exponentially.
At WWF they want governments world over to sign a global legally-binding treaty 
to streamline how we use and dispose of plastics.

Please help and sign the petition

Sea Pollution


Sea Pollution

I've created a set of 3d illustrations describing pollution in the sea and its heavy impact on creatures living in there. Oceans and seas are ful Read More
