The key Moment

T h e   K e y   M o m e n t   -   s h o r t  f i l m
The video was produced for the Oman Aviation Services, to show the difficulties and challenges of working inside Muscat International Airport, in scenes that began with difficulties and then find a solution and then things return to normal .. 

s t i l l   f r a m e s 

c r e d i t s 

Client: TRANSOM 
Production house: Ease Production 
Art director & st.board: Ahmed nouno
Character design : Ahmed nouno  
Illustrations background: Belal abou alsoued
Animation Team  : Islam Ghazaly ,Mahmoud goda , Amr abou ella ,Tareq Alrubaiai , Rana asel 
SFX: Mohamed Elsayed 

C H A R A C T E R   D E S I G N 

S t o r y  B O A R D

T H A N K    Y O U 

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The key Moment