Tatiana Mourad's profile

Underskin - Senior Project

Underskin - Senior Project
The purpose of this project is for the Lebanese youth to understand the civil war through the Egg relic, while also having the opportunity to get a glimpse of their country’s culture as well as to preserve the memory of the space as its future state is unknown.

The design proposal was to design a publication about the Egg in different states (pre-war, war, after the war) while combining my own photos and writings with archives and excerpts from research.

This publication would be going under the skin of the building by giving the youth a general idea of what this building really means.
Underskin is aiming to resist the erasure and forgetfulness to create the metaphorical layer of skin that the Egg’s memory needs in order to be preserved and protected.

In addition, a website was designed in order to be able to pre-order the book online along with silkscreen-printed promotional items.
underskin website mockup link:

Underskin - Senior Project

Underskin - Senior Project

Underskin is a senior project that studies a Lebanese war relic known as the Egg. It aims at educating the youth about the civil war as well as t Read More
