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Voices in Urban Education Competition: Integration

Voices in Urban Education Competition: Integration (2019)

This drawing, made in March 2019, was for a competition for a New York University Journal called "Voices in Urban Education". The topic was integration -- specifically integration in New York City public schools and what it meant to us. For the competition, we had the choice to work with either paint or pencils. I chose to work with colored pencils and make my drawing based on what the education system should look like in order for our world to progress. To me, integration means inclusivity and collaboration; it means to unify our different backgrounds and skills in order to make the world a better place. In schools and even beyond education, inclusion implies diversity but diversity does not imply inclusion. When I drew this, I felt motivated by what I wanted to promote -- harmony among all of us, especially during these times where racism and hatred still exist. This drawing gave me the opportunity to be a voice for my community (minorities, low-income families, for instance) and work towards a more collaborative world.
Voices in Urban Education Competition: Integration
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Voices in Urban Education Competition: Integration

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