Profiel van Viktor Pucsek

Hotel Sharm-El-Sheikh Spa, Egypt - 2012 - concept

Hotel Sharm-El-Sheikh - concept
Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt
The message of the interior is that this space is a kingdom of beauty and cleanliness, connecting these two notions which always belonged together in Egyptian culture. Our attempt was to create an interior which helps the guests relax, recharge and refresh. The goal was to create an atmosphere that suggests a sort of light cleanliness which is intimate, yet magical and spiritual at the same time. Primary elements such as fire, water, sun appear in a direct and abstract form. Salt, which is used in beauty care with a prominent physiological effect, is a local element presented in a spiritual context. Our common goal with the client was to create a more European approach to space, but still with bits and pieces from the Egyptian culture: in graphics, by re-interpreting the traditional Egyptian geometric ornaments, and in lighting, by small and scattered light sources, inspired by the Arabic tapers.
Hotel Sharm-El-Sheikh Spa, Egypt - 2012 - concept

Hotel Sharm-El-Sheikh Spa, Egypt - 2012 - concept

Hotel Sharm el Sheikh (concept) Egypt, 2012


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