Kichwa Amazonas and Hmong Vietnam
The indigenous peoples have been constructing, along thousands of years of relation with his environment, own ways of conceiving the world, living in a narrow relation with the nature.  

Every indigenous people possesses a language, own culture, but they all have conceive jointly the cosmos divided in different worlds, but always connected by channels of communication: lianas, ways, rivers ... that allow the traffic between lands and worlds.

In the cosmovisiones, the conception of space is not that of a space limited by his limits, is that of a reality crossed by routes that allow to come to the others, rivers of exchange of things, ideas and affections, all this because the peoples belong to a civilization opened for the dialog.

The Kichwa lamistas, pertenencen to one of the most ancient cities of the Peruvian east, the city of Muds. The own language is the Quetchua and his principal common characteristic consists of not separating the universe of human beings and the rest of animals and vegetables. They establish natural rules that allow his life in the jungle.

And to another side of the world, we meet the black Hmong, they belong to one of the most ancient etnias of Asia. They descend from the plains Tibetanas and now they agree to the north of Vietnam, in the high mountains, in Linh Ho.
 His principal economy departs almost only from the culture of rice and from the fabric and as the Kichwa adopt a sustainable economy from the natural resources.

But everything starts changing, the impact of the settling, the construction of roads, the exploitation and deforestation of the natural resources of the big ones and small enterprises that they attack constant against the environment, the implantamiento of the western culture.
The aborigens estan losing his customs, his languages, believing that like that podran to be recognized as citizens. And when they are thinking about obtaining it they suffer deep process of social exclusion and discrimination.

"We conceive the different world, air, land, everything is for us, only we want that they deal since we could have survived during so much time in a long fight for our identity for show those who we are, where we live and of living since we live. We are an example of overcoming to the eyes of the world ".

Walter Sangama, leading aborigen Kichwa


They belong to the communities indigenous to Peru and Vietnam. They are the Kichwa of Peru, which live a days of anyone through civilization in Read More
