I often use planets, stars and other astronomical bodies in my work. The night sky has always awed humanity, we gave the names of gods to planets and their natural satellites, weaved intricate stories and legends, foretold the future by looking at the movement of stars. 
Today we have a certain image of how a sun or a planet would look based on films and tv series and actual images made by modern telescopes. Space has a meaning for everyone - for some it's mythical, for others it's pop cultural or scientific, but it's always full of potential and undeniably beautiful. 
On a big stage screen the image of a sun or a galaxy can be breathtakingly dramatic. A theme should always compliment the music, naturally, so the artistic decisions of a design are discussed with the client prior to production.


Space has a meaning for everyone - for some it's mythical, for others it's pop cultural or scientific, but it's always full of potential and unde Read More
